Mapwize integrations in iOS (Swift)

Integration Sample

Adding the dependency

Add the CCLocation and MapwizeUI pods to your Podfile

platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'YourAppTarget' do
  pod 'CCLocation', '>= 2.4.0'
  pod 'MapwizeUI', '~> 2.0'

Add items to your info.plist

Add the Background Modes


Add Permission Descriptors


For more details about these permissions in the iOS section

Add Mapwize Credentials


Enable Mapbox metrics


Getting Permission

Colocator requires usage of Location, Bluetooth and Motion for providing enough indoor location data.

Location Permission

let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

Bluetooth Permission


Motion & Fitness Permission


Enabling Location Gathering

The library must be started within the func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) method of the AppDelegate.

import CCLocation
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    CCLocation.sharedInstance.start(apiKey: YOUR_APP_KEY)        
    return true

Setup Mapwize Map

Import Mapwize library in your ViewController

import MapwizeUI

Configure Map UI

Configure and add a MapwizeView element

var map: MWZMapwizeView!
let mapFrame = view.frame

let mapwizeConfiguration = MWZMapwizeConfiguration(apiKey: YOUR_API_KEY)
let mapUIOptions = MWZUIOptions()
let mapUISettings = MWZMapwizeViewUISettings()

map = MWZMapwizeView(frame: mapFrame,
                      mapwizeConfiguration: mapwizeConfiguration,
                      mapwizeOptions: mapUIOptions,
                      uiSettings: mapUISettings)


Configure MapwizeView Delegate

Set MWZMapwizeViewDelegate for map

map.delegate = self
extension ViewController: MWZMapwizeViewDelegate {

  func mapwizeView(_ mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!, shouldShowInformationButtonFor mapwizeObject: MWZObject!) -> Bool {
      if (mapwizeObject is MWZPlace) {
          return true
      return false

  func mapwizeView(_ mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!, shouldShowFloorControllerFor floors: [MWZFloor]!) -> Bool {
      if (floors.count > 1) {
          return true
      return false

  func mapwizeViewDidLoad(_ mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!) { }

  func mapwizeView(_ mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!, didTapOnPlaceInformationButton place: MWZPlace!) { }
  func mapwizeView(_ mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!, didTapOnPlaceListInformationButton placeList: MWZPlacelist!) { }

  func mapwizeViewDidTap(onFollowWithoutLocation mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!) { }

  func mapwizeViewDidTap(onMenu mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!) { }


Setup CCLocation

Import CCLocation library

import CCLocation

Set delegate for CCLocation library

CCLocation.sharedInstance.delegate = self
extension ViewController: CCLocationDelegate {
  func ccLocationDidConnect() { }
  func ccLocationDidFailWithError(error: Error) { }
  func didReceiveCCLocation(_ location: LocationResponse) { }
  func didFailToUpdateCCLocation() { }

Setup Location Provider

Add ILIndoorLocationProvider

let indoorLocationProvider = ILIndoorLocationProvider()

and a variable for the last location

var lastIndoorLocation: ILIndoorLocation?

Add ILIndoorLocationProviderDelegate

Add delegate for the IndoorLocationProvider

extension ViewController: ILIndoorLocationProviderDelegate {
  func provider(_ provider: ILIndoorLocationProvider!, didUpdate location: ILIndoorLocation!) { }
  func provider(_ provider: ILIndoorLocationProvider!, didFailWithError error: Error!) { }
  func providerDidStart(_ provider: ILIndoorLocationProvider!) { }
  func providerDidStop(_ provider: ILIndoorLocationProvider!) { }

Display Location in Mapwize

Set IndoorLocationProvider for Mapwize

In mapwizeViewDidLoad(_ mapwizeView: MWZMapwizeView!) method from MWZMapwizeViewDelegate add


Start receiving updates

Register CCLocation for location updates


In didReceiveCCLocation(_ location: LocationResponse) method from CCLocationDelegate add

lastIndoorLocation = ILIndoorLocation(provider: indoorLocationProvider,
                                      latitude: location.latitude,
                                      longitude: location.longitude,
                                      floor: 1)

Stop Location Updates

Unregister location listener when user exit the map screen

In viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) method in the ViewController presenting the Mapwize map add
